Die offiziellen Turnierergebnisse und dazugehörigen Links der offline Turniere als auch zum A1 eSports VALORANT Cup.
Danke an Kasofoto für die wunderschönen Siegerehrungsfotos.
Game and Link to the Tournament results and winner photoTypePersonenPartner
A1 eSports VALORANT Cup Finals 5on5  10
A1 eSports VALORANT Cup Finale – Unicorns of Love VS Into the Breach
A1 eSports TFT Cup Finals

1on1  8   A1 eSports TFT Cup Finale – Top 8
Business Match AVL vs BearingPoint (2:0)
5on5 10 AVL vs BearingPoint 2560x853 v2
5on5 165
5on5 55 VulkanLAN 2022 A1 700x366
3on3 54 Sponsor buerosued 700x366
5on5 85 AVL
1on1 9 VulkanLAN GRAWE2022 700x366
3on3 33 VulkanLAN 2022 bequiet 700x366
logo MarioKart with PEGIMario Kart 1on1 56  
logo pubg with PEGIPUBG 2on2 66 VulkanLAN 2022 bequiet 700x366
logo magic the gathering with PEGIMagic the Gathering offline Community Turnier 1on1 12 VulkanLAN GRAWE2022 700x366
logo trackmania with PEGITrackmania 1on1 13  
logo cod warzone with PEGISuper Smash Bros. Ulitmate 1on1 62